No War But Class War
From our founding to present, powerful people have normalized atrocities to make very rich people richer.
From Kyle Vass:
Immigrants, trans people, unhoused people, and “woke”/DEI are dog whistles for a country that needs an enemy so YOU don’t think about how horrible our policies and priorities are for helping people who aren’t rich.
Here’s your reminder that we live in the only developed nation without universal healthcare, with the highest rate of incarceration, with a homelessness problem that is out of control, and where the leading cause of death for kids is getting shot. (Outside the U.S., none of this is normal.)
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., let’s do some quick math: The U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq cost roughly 5 trillion dollars and resulted in approximately 105,000 enemy combatants killed.
Putting aside the young people we sent to get killed and the countless civilian lives destroyed by these conflicts for a second, that means we spent 47 million dollars for every foreign combatant killed in these wars.
Our country — the only developed nation without universal healthcare — can spend 47 million dollars per death in two countries the average American can’t find on a map, but “can’t afford” to provide what is considered a right across the modern world?
From our founding to present, powerful people have normalized atrocities to make very rich people richer. The catch is, these atrocities have an expiration date as to what is acceptable across mainstream society.
Genociding indigenous people, slavery and Jim Crow, indentured servitude (company towns and share cropping), invading small countries — all of these horrible things were always about making money.
Through access to information and class consciousness, these things have always ended up exposed for the atrocities that they are. While it’s become increasingly difficult to justify sacrificing the “other” at the barrel of a gun, the war mongers are clever.
As justified anger over foreign wars has risen to a recent high, the war mongers have turned their sights inward. And there isn’t a more perfect example of someone serving as a puppet for these people than West Virginia’s new governor Patrick Morrisey.
Lining his pockets and Rolodex working for an industry that flooded our region with pills, this man has no intention of addressing some of the real issues facing our state. (Just about every shocking metric the U.S. boasts with respect to suffering is so much worse here.)
Like many, his sole intention is shilling for the people directly responsible for all the issues that haunt our country. And as U.S.-funded murder increasingly falls out of favor with the public, the war mongers are retreating and doubling down on a familiar front: your mind.
Getting you to hate and fear people within our borders is key to distracting you from the laundry list of things wrong here. When you let them set up shop in your head, you’re helping the worst people on planet earth line their pockets at the expense of real people in your community.
Your real enemy has never been the person that the guy in the suit on TV has told you it is. It’s always been the guy in the suit.