Tell W.V. representatives: CEASEFIRE NOW!
Not only are Israel’s war crimes funded by U.S. tax dollars—$9.5 million from W.V. alone—but they are backed with the full support of our so-called representatives.

The West Virginia branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation recently issued a statement encouraging residents to demand that their government representatives support a ceasefire regarding Israel’s ongoing genocide of the people of Palestine.
Below is that statement in full:
In the last 30 days, the Israeli apartheid state has slaughtered over 10,000 Palestinians, including 4,300 children. Not only are Israel’s war crimes funded by U.S. tax dollars—$9.5 million from W.V. alone—but they are backed with the full support of our so-called representatives.
The same representatives who claim that we don’t have money for housing, healthcare, and education are now scrambling to send even more money to Israel. The people of West Virginia won’t stand for it!
Call your representatives today and let them know that West Virginians demand a ceasefire now! Fund the people’s needs, not the Israeli war machine!
Hello, my name is ______ and I live in ______, West Virginia. I am calling today to demand that the U.S. end all funding to Israel and for you to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The $9.5 million that West Virginians send annually to Israel should be used to fund the needs of the people, not genocide and ethnic cleansing. Fund the people’s needs, not the war machine!
Joe Manchin: (202)-224-3954 ; Joe’s email
Shelley Moore Capito: (202)-224-6472 ; Shelley’s email
Alex Mooney: (202)-225-2711 ; Alex’s email
Carol Miller: (202)-225-3452 ; Carol’s email
Appalachians for Palestine: ‘Solidarity is necessary’
PHOTOS: Largest Palestine solidarity rally in U.S. history
The West Virginia Holler is an affiliate of The Tennessee Holler and is powered, in part, by West Virginia Can’t Wait.
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I wouldn’t dare stand up against the children of Abraham. I would be afraid that I would call down the curses of Genesis chapter 12, verse 3 upon myself and upon my country.
(God to Abraham: ”I will bless all who bless you and curse all who curse you. And through you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:3)
The Bible says if we bless Abraham we will be blessed (and by extension, his children: Israel). On the other hand, it says if we curse (Israel), we will be cursed.
The family of Abraham is the line of Jesus, the Savior of the world. So truly, indeed, Abraham has blessed the whole world.
Prior to this promise in Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham that He would lead Abraham to a land that He is going to give him, and that land was the land of Canaan, which is now called Israel. That was almost 6,000 years ago. That land has belonged to Israel—given to them by the God of the Bible—millennia ago. This giving of this land-gift is reiterated in Genesis 15:7.
Furthermore, if you look at a map of Israel compared to the surrounding Arabicized nations, it would appear that Israel is the oppressed party.
(See here:
The Arabs have been oppressors throughout the whole Middle East for centuries, since the time of Mohammed.
Part of their domination includes fathering children with conquered peoples, and claiming the resulting offspring. The Israelis are the only ones who have resisted this Arabic domination.
Palestinians are not indigenous peoples; they are Arabic colonists.
Are you really standing up for the oppressed when you are defending the cause of Arabic conquerors?
The Bible is the true and actual history of Israel.
Definitely a must-read, must-study. It’s the source of truth for all of life.